Coaching & Counselling

girl drinking coffee contemplating
holding hands

If you love your partner, but one or both of you are just not as happy as you could be, then you have come to the right place.

Maybe the two of you came together because of a smouldering passion, a chemical attraction. Maybe you saw something in the other person that you wanted or needed to have for yourself. Maybe you both felt that together you were a sensible fit, or that you were “supposed to” get married. Maybe someone else arranged your marriage for you! Or maybe it just seemed like a good idea at the time.

Whatever the reason two people come together, all couples are faced with the struggles of being together and staying together. Living together is so much more complicated than dating, having children and combined financial pressures is so much more complicated that living together. Add the stress, crises and tragedies of everyday life, and being a loving couple can be very challenging indeed! To the point where we begin to ask ourselves “is it really worth it?”

With relationship coaching and counselling you and your partner can make sense of your individual and shared histories, identify areas of difficulty or conflict, develop new strategies to overcome those challenges and negotiate a shared vision for your future. With the help of a trained, knowledgeable and respectful, but challenging, counsellor or coach even the most difficult, emotional and painful topics can be broached, explored and moved forwards from with tailored strategies to ensure that your relationship, and your love, are enduring.

Please call or email to make your first appointment in which your situation and needs can be discussed and a course of relationship coaching and/or counselling established to give your relationship its best chance of enduring success.

Nigel Will Polak Send Me Your Message